Helping teams go from zero to one, then from one to đź’Ż.

đź‘‹ I'm a product leader with a background in design, engineering, and product management that has been helping companies go from 0-1 and/or from 1 to scale for over a decade. I enjoy adding value for customers and delight for users by working across all facets of B2B and B2C products using my skills in product design, user experience design, service design, and product management.

I'm equally at home thinking through the myriad end-to-end tactical details and execution as I am thinking through the strategic elements, filtering out signal from the noise, connecting the dots, aligning teams and turning blue sky ideas into real world opportunities. At this point, I've helped many seed, early-, and mid-stage companies get to the next level.
Products I've worked on
Industries I’ve worked in
Millions I've helped raise

Past experiences

EVP, Product & Design
Movn Health // Moving Analytics
Apr ’16 - Apr ’23

I played a critical role in aligning the teams, fostering collaboration, and driving the successful development and delivery of our innovative and user-centric cardiovascular healthcare products.

I was responsible for overseeing and providing strategic leadership to eight teams: Product Management, Product Design, Engineering, Quality Assurance, Patient Enrollment, Care Management, Customer Support, and Clinical Quality. In addition to my executive role, I also served as the most senior individual contributor for the Product Management and Product Design teams until I left the company, and wore a front-end engineer hat for my first 4 years.

‍Product Management: I guided the overall product strategy, vision, and roadmap as both a strategic executive and tactical individual contributor, collaborating closely with stakeholders to gather requirements, conduct market research, and define product priorities. I led the team in translating user needs into clear product requirements, ensuring alignment with business objectives and user satisfaction, and facilitated cross-functional collaboration with Sales, Account Management, Engineering, Design, Clinical Quality and other teams to ensure successful product delivery.

‍Product Design: I led the design strategy and execution to create intuitive and visually compelling user experiences both as a strategic executive and a tactical individual contributor, leveraging user-centered design methodologies to conduct user research, develop personas, and create wireframes, prototypes, and visual designs. I ensured consistency and adherence to design standards and best practices across the product portfolio. I collaborated closely with stakeholders, including the Product Management and Engineering teams, to balance user needs, technical feasibility, and business objectives.

‍Engineering: I provided strategic direction and oversight to Product's Engineering team, ensuring the successful execution of product development initiatives. I guided technology decisions, architectural design, and development methodologies to deliver scalable and high-quality software solutions. I also fostered a collaborative and innovative environment, promoting agile practices, continuous improvement, and adherence to coding standards, and actively collaborated with other teams to align product requirements, technical feasibility, and timelines.

‍Quality Assurance: I led the team in establishing robust testing methodologies, including the addition of automation across the product portfolio, ensuring our product quality and standard of excellence, and guided the maintenance of our regulatory compliance for certifications such as HITRUST and FedRAMP. I built and led the team in defining quality standards, test plans, and in implementing efficient testing processes. I collaborated closely with internal and external engineering teams to identify and address potential issues, ensuring a seamless and bug-free user experience, and promoted a culture of quality throughout the organization, emphasizing continuous testing and improvement.

Program Coordination: I provided strategic oversight and tactical planning to the Program Coordination team, ensuring the efficient and effective enrollment of patients into the platform with user experience one of the core quality metrics. I developed enrollment strategies, monitored performance metrics in connection with quarterly OKRs, and implemented process improvements to optimize patient onboarding and engagement, and collaborated with cross-functional teams to align patient enrollment processes with product features and customer requirements.

‍Care Management: I provided strategic leadership to the Care Management team, driving the development and implementation of care management protocols and workflows, collaborating with clinical stakeholders to align care management practices with industry standards and regulatory requirements, as well as protocol availability and support from leading providers (such as Kaiser Permanente, the VA, NYU, Mayo Clinic, and many others). I also oversaw the continuous development of internal care protocols, with a special focus on the intersection of digital metrics (like uptake and retention) with clinical outcomes (like HEDIS measures). Last, I ensured the seamless integration of a variety of wearables from Apple, Fitbit, Garmin, BodyTrace, and others that augmented monitoring and care for clinicians and patients across our entire user base.

‍Customer Support: I oversaw the Customer Support team, ensuring the delivery of exceptional customer service and support experiences. I developed strategies to enhance customer satisfaction, implemented support processes and tools, and monitored customer feedback to drive continuous improvement, collaborating with cross-functional teams to address customer issues, prioritize feature enhancements, and provide timely resolutions. This includes the inclusion of external support resources, as well as the development of our own, internal resources available as videos and text guides in both our clinician-facing dashboard and patient-facing mobile app.

‍Clinical Quality: I provided strategic oversight to the Clinical Quality team, ensuring the delivery of safe and effective healthcare services. I developed and implemented quality assurance protocols, conducted audits, and monitored clinical performance metrics. I collaborated with clinical stakeholders to define and implement quality improvement initiatives, ensuring adherence to regulatory standards and best practices.

Senior UX Designer
Happy Money
Jun ’15 - May ’16

My role and responsibilities were centered around providing strategic direction and leading user experience design efforts. I conducted extensive user research, including user interviews, surveys, and usability studies, to deeply understand user needs and pain points. I defined user personas, crafted user journeys, and created high-fidelity wireframes and interactive prototypes. I collaborated closely with stakeholders, product managers, and development teams to align design solutions with business goals and technical constraints. I facilitated design workshops, provided design leadership, and advocated for user-centered design principles throughout the organization. I mentored and coached junior and mid-level designers, contributed to design system development, and continuously improved design processes and methodologies.

UX Designer
Apr ’14 - Jun '15

As the only designer in Product and Engineering at the time, my role and responsibilities were centered around independently leading user experience design initiatives. I conducted in-depth user research, synthesized insights, and translated them into actionable design recommendations. I developed comprehensive user personas, user flows, and wireframes to guide the design process. I collaborated closely with stakeholders, product managers, and developers to ensure a cohesive and user-centered design approach. I facilitated usability testing sessions and incorporated user feedback to iterate on designs. I also mentored junior designers, provided design guidance, and actively contributed to improving design processes and methodologies.

UX Designer
Jan ’13 - Dec '13

As a newer UX Designer at Philosophie, my role and responsibilities were centered around supporting the user experience design process under the guidance of senior designers. I assisted in conducting user research, gathering insights, and creating user personas. I contributed to wireframing, prototyping, and creating interface designs based on established design patterns. I collaborated with cross-functional teams and absorbed feedback to iterate on designs. I actively learned and developed my skills in user-centered design principles, usability testing, and design tools to contribute effectively to the team's goals.

Building experiences across platforms, mediums, channels, and modalities

Crafting a complete experience means understanding the full context with which people come to, and interact with, your product. Their journey may begin with an in-person conversation, a phone call, an email, the App Store, an ad, someone's viral video, or any other number of methods. Journeys don't always start or end with a screen, either, and I account for that as part of my process when building things for people, whether as an individual contributor or as a team lead.

My body of work covers experiences that are typically digital, occasionally physical, and sometimes emotional. It spans the web, email, print, mobile apps, video, social media, and other things.

Awards and recognition

In my most recent position at Movn Health, I led 8 teams covering product design, development, support, and care delivery. I'm incredibly proud of the collaboration with payers, providers, and patients over the years, but also proud of the awards and recognition my team and I received for the product and the company on our journey from zero to one and beyond. These are my favorites:
Goldman Sachs
ADAPT Program Awardee
UCSF Rosenman Institute
Most Fundable Company
Pepperdine University
ACC & Angel MD Innovation Challenge, Winner – Artificial Intelligence
American College of Cardiology
Innovation Challenge, Winner
Health Cloud Innovation Challenge, Winner
Philadelphia Heart Science Forum, Innovation Award
American Heart Association
Wearables & Chronic Care Challenge - 1st Prize
HI2 Forum Open Innovation Challenge - 2nd Place
American Heart Association